Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
22 Reviews

Ultimate Urban Bundle - X3 and X3

Angebot€528,00 Regulärer Preis€558,00
Spare €30,00
Please Note

LITELOK X3 currently has a dispatch lead time of approximately 21 days.

Image Description Made in Britain
Image Description Built with Baronium®
Image Description ANTI-ANGLE GRINDER


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Image Description

Was die Experten sagen...

John Milbank, Bennetts BikeSocial

"Indem Sie das Litelok X3 als Teil dieses Setups verwenden, haben Sie Ihr Fahrrad zu einem der schwersten Diebstähle auf der Straße gemacht. Das Litelok X3 ist jetzt meine persönliche Wahl für ein tragbares Schloss und verdient definitiv eine Empfehlung von BikeSocial."

Carl Ellis, thebestbikelock.com

"Das Litelok X3 ist das am besten vor Winkelschleifern geschützte tragbare Fahrradschloss, das ich je getestet habe. Und ich habe sie alle getestet, also bedeutet das, dass es das am besten vor Winkelschleifern geschützte tragbare Fahrradschloss ist, das Sie kaufen können!"

Ben Clarke, Motorradnachrichten

"Das X3 Moto hat eine Sold Secure Diamond-Bewertung für Fahrrad- und Motorradanwendungen erreicht. Und als zusätzlichen Bonus wird es in Großbritannien in einer solarbetriebenen Fabrik hergestellt."

Was macht das sicherste Fahrradschloss der Welt aus?

Es ist das sicherste vollständig gepanzerte D-Schloss auf dem Markt und enthält eine Vielzahl cleverer Designmerkmale, die es einfach zu bedienen und zu transportieren machen, damit Sie Ihr Fahrrad gegen die entschlossensten Fahrraddiebe sichern können.


Das LITELOK X3 ist mit einem ABLOY® SENTRY Schließzylinder ausgestattet; dem sichersten Schließmechanismus, der erhältlich ist.


X3-Schlösser sind mit reflektierenden Onyx-Schwarz-Vinylstreifen entlang des Schlossbügels und auf den X'en an jedem Ende versehen. Die reflektierenden Streifen leuchten im Scheinwerferlicht auf, um Sie sicher und sichtbar zu halten.


Einzigartiges Anti-Drehungsmerkmal schützt gegen Verdrehungsangriffe und Einzelschnitte

Bewaffnet mit Barronium®

Die Barronium®-Verbundpanzerung wehrt Winkelschleiferangriffe ab und frisst Winkelschleiferscheiben.

X3 Ultimate Urban-Paket


Barronium® ist eine verschmolzene Verbundpanzerung, die beispiellose Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Winkelschleifer bietet, ohne zusätzliches Gewicht hinzuzufügen. Es ist ein superharter keramischer Verbundwerkstoff, der Winkelschleiferangriffe abwehrt und die Energie und Kraft des Schleifers auf sich selbst umleitet. Das kontinuierliche Schneiden nutzt die Schleifscheiben, Batterien und letztendlich den Schleifermotor ab.

X3 Ultimate Urban-Paket


LITELOK X3 ist mit einem ABLOY® SENTRY Schließzylinder ausgestattet; der widerstandsfähigste Schließmechanismus gegen Aufsperrversuche, der verfügbar ist.

ABLOY® SENTRY ist eine neue Entwicklung der einzigartigen ABLOY Drehkreis-Technologie, die eine reibungslose und zuverlässige Funktion in jeder Umgebung bietet.

X3 Ultimate Urban-Paket


Halten Sie Ihr LITELOK X in Top-Zustand und halten Sie auch Schmutz und Schmutz aus Ihrer Tasche oder Ihrem Gepäck mit unserer maßgeschneiderten Neoprenhülle fern. Es ist ein Neoprenanzug für Ihr LITELOK X3 und wird bei jedem Kauf von X3 mitgeliefert.

X3 Ultimate Urban Bundle: Was ist im Karton?

Erfahren Sie genau, was Sie im Karton eines X3 Ultimate Urban Bundles erwarten können.


Bitte bewahren Sie diese Karte sicher auf. Ihre Schlüsselregistrierungskarte enthält Ihre einzigartige Schlüsselregistrierungsnummer, die Sie benötigen, wenn Sie zusätzliche Schlüssel bestellen müssen.


Halten Sie Ihr LITELOK X in Top-Zustand und schützen Sie es vor Schmutz und Ablagerungen in Ihrer Tasche oder Ihrem Gepäckträger mit unserem individuellen Neoprenbeutel.


Alle LITELOK X3 werden mit 2 ABLOY-Schlüsseln geliefert. Der einzigartige Code jeder Schlüssel ist für Ihre Bequemlichkeit vorregistriert, damit Sie bei Bedarf Ersatzschlüssel bestellen können.

Umweltfreundliche Verpackung

Alle LITELOK-Produkte werden in umweltfreundlicher, plastikfreier Verpackung verschickt


2 x X3 winkelschutzsichere U-Schlösser.

X3 Ultimate Urban-Paket

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Getestet bei Thieves #7

LITELOK X3 rettet Fahrräder auf der Rugby-Weltmeisterschaftstour

Julie hat sich an uns gewandt, um ihre Geschichte über einen versuchten Diebstahl ihrer Fahrräder während einer Reise mit ihrem Wohnmobil durch Frankreich zu teilen.

Julies Geschichte lesen

Getestet bei Thieves #15

LITELOK X3 rettet BMW GS in London

John hat sich mit uns in Verbindung gesetzt, um seine Erfahrung mit einem versuchten Diebstahl seines GS in Nord-London um 03:14 Uhr zu teilen.

Lies Johns Geschichte

Getestet bei Thieves #14

LITELOK X3 rettet 15.000 Pfund Motorrad

Aled hat sich mit uns in Verbindung gesetzt, um seine Erfahrung mit einem versuchten Diebstahl seines Motorrads in Mitcham, London, zu teilen. Dank des LITELOK X3 war sein Fahrrad geschützt und sicher!

Aleds Geschichte lesen
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
Based on 22 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 15 Total 4 star reviews: 6 Total 3 star reviews: 1 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
95%would recommend this product
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22 reviews
  • NF
    Nick F.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    3 weeks ago
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Strong Lock

    The X3 lock looks like it would be very difficult for a cordless grinder to cut through. It should make an excellent theft deterrent.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • RD
    Reynaldo D.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Value for Money, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    1 month ago
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Value for Money, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Looks and feels like a very strong lock

    I thought ut was big enough to fit on my wheels and tires.i wish it was a bit wider.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • LA
    Leonardo Antonio T.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    1 month ago
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    BMW R1250RS paranoia

    Bought 2 x LITELOK for my BM. And coupled with a tracker and a factory fitted alarm. The likteloks complete the security of my expensive motorcycle. Used the LITELOK for the first time last week and I felt a lot more at ease. Knowing that most skanks, will take one look and then move onto an easier motorcycle. Well worth the money for buying the the bundle.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • WM
    W M.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike, Motorcycle, Mountain Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable
    1 month ago
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike, Motorcycle, Mountain Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    X3 review

    Good product. Bought two X3s. 1 worked perfectly, but the other lock doesn't open sometimes unless you play with it. Customer service send me a return label and will fix or replace the lock. Will give an update after I receive a new lock. Otherwise an excellent lock with what I think is the most secure lock you can get. Worth the price vs having to replace the cost for a new bike.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • RD
    Robert D.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, Lightweight, High Security
    1 month ago
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, Lightweight, High Security
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Honda ADV350 Security upgrade

    Just bought two X3s for my motorbike. Untested so far in a theft situation, but I can tell these are serious lumps of metal. One on each wheel, plus a chain and an Easy-block - that will be my default security. I love the build quality of the X3, the travel pouch and the key - all feel premium and unique. The X3 is also very portable so you get a lot of security for the weight. Only grumble is that I didn't ask for both to be on the same key - but wasn't an option either so not sure if it can be done.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • KC
    Koen C.
    Flag of Belgium
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    What do you like about the lock? Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    2 months ago
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    What do you like about the lock? Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    Bundle X3 - X3

    Some discount by buying 2 pieces. Convincing you-tube advice (angle grinder). Delivery (info) and packaging very good. Not cheap but high security.

    Product QualityRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • M
    Flag of United States
    Verified Reviewer
    What do you use the lock on? Road Bike, Commuter/City Bike, Folding Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable
    What do you like about the lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable
    2 months ago
    What do you use the lock on? Road Bike, Commuter/City Bike, Folding Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable
    What do you like about the lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    The new standard in ultimate security bicycle locks

    If your standard for an ultimate security bike lock is something like the highly-regarded, top of the line Kryptonite New York Lock, please take a look at the two attached photos.

    The Litelok X3 (on the left in both photos) is clearly more heavy duty than the Kryptonite New York Standard Lock (on the right).

    Other differences: the key action on the X3 is more precise and the rubber shielding is more robust. The keys are also thicker/heavier duty than any other bicycle lock key I’ve ever seen.

    The lock action on the X3 is as solid as solid can be.

    If I were a bike thief, the X3 lock would appear more intimidating than the New York Lock.

    The internal dimensions between the X3 and the Kryptonite New York Standard Lock are exactly the same, which is good since the New York Standard Lock is widely regarded as the best form factor for daily use that balances versatility and security. Kudos to Litelok for duplicating this ideal form factor.

    Of course the above are all important but secondary factors beyond the critically important factor that the X3 is angle grinder resistant whereas a top of the line Kryptonite New York (or Abus) lock is not.

    A few other positives on the X3 and Litelok:

    We received three keys with each of the two X3 locks we purchased. We only expected two keys so this was a pleasant surprise.

    Litelok says that the X3 ships in around 30 days. We received ours less than a week after we placed the order—we’re on the U.S. east coast. Shipment was via DHL…

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • LD
    lee d.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike, Mountain Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable, Made in Britain
    What do you like about the lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable, Made in Britain
    2 months ago
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike, Mountain Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable, Made in Britain
    What do you like about the lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable, Made in Britain
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Litlock x3

    Having spent a lot of money on new bikes we needed the reassurance of secure locks in both the home and when out for a ride. Theses lock have given us the freedom to ride and secure our bikes while replenishing the energy stores.

    They are he’s promptly,( in time for our holiday-thank you) and are of a high standard, top quality thank you.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • DL
    David L.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable, Made in Britain
    What do you like about the lock? Made in Britain, Angle Grinder Resistance, Portable, Lightweight, Great Quality
    2 months ago
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable, Made in Britain
    What do you like about the lock? Made in Britain, Angle Grinder Resistance, Portable, Lightweight, Great Quality
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Great quality

    Fab finish and locking mechanism on these product !

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • MS
    Mr S.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Made in Britain
    2 months ago
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Made in Britain
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    Litelok 3

    Great build quality. Would be more flexible if it were just little bit longer.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
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