Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
4.8 Stars (454 Reviews)




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Was die Experten sagen ...

John Milbank, Bennetts BikeSocial

„Mit dem Litelok X3 als Teil dieser Ausstattung haben Sie Ihr Fahrrad zu einem der am schwersten zu stehlenden auf der Straße gemacht. Das Litelok X3 ist jetzt meine persönliche Wahl für tragbare Schlösser und eine Empfehlung von BikeSocial absolut wert.“

Carl Ellis, thebestbikelock.com

„Das Litelok X3 ist das tragbare Fahrradschloss mit der höchsten Winkelschleifer-Sicherheitsstufe, das ich je getestet habe. Und ich habe sie jetzt alle getestet, das heißt, es ist das tragbare Fahrradschloss mit der höchsten Winkelschleifer-Sicherheitsstufe, das Sie kaufen können!“

Ben Clarke, Motorcycle News

„X3 Moto hat für den Einsatz auf Fahrrädern und Motorrädern die Sold Secure Diamond-Bewertung erhalten. Und als Bonus wird es in Großbritannien in einer solarbetriebenen Fabrik hergestellt.“

Blog posts

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LITELOK X3LITELOK X3 Saves Cargo Bike on Christmas Eve in London #49

LITELOK X3 Rettet Lastenrad am Heiligabend in London #49

Es gibt kein größeres Geschenk als Seelenfrieden, besonders in der Weihnachtszeit. Für Joe, einen Londoner Einwohner, kam dieser Seelenfrieden in Form des LITELOK X3, der einen versuchten Diebstahl...

LITELOK X3LITELOK X3 Saves Cargo Bike in Aarhus #46

LITELOK X3 Rettet Lastenrad in Aarhus #46

Der LITELOK X3 rettete am 11. November in Aarhus, Dänemark, Salvador’s Seaside Signature Lastenrad. Lastenräder sind in Städten weltweit unverzichtbar geworden, insbesondere für umweltbewusste Fami...

Litelok Success StoryLITELOK X3 Saves Bike in Mansfield #43

LITELOK X3 Rettet Fahrrad in Mansfield #43

Freddie hat sich kürzlich an uns gewandt, um seine Erfahrungen mit einem versuchten Diebstahl seines Fahrrads zu teilen. Diese Erfolgsgeschichte betont die Bedeutung, in qualitativ hochwertige Fahr...

Was macht das Bügelschloss der Welt zum sichersten?

Es handelt sich um das sicherste vollwertige gepanzerte Bügelschloss auf dem Markt und verfügt über zahlreiche clevere Designmerkmale, die die Verwendung und den Transport erleichtern, sodass Sie Ihr Fahrrad auch vor den entschlossensten Fahrraddieben schützen können.


LITELOK X3 ist mit einem ABLOY® SENTRY-Schließzylinder ausgestattet; dem diebstahlsichersten Schließmechanismus auf dem Markt.


X3-Schlösser sind mit retroreflektierenden Vinylstreifen in Onyxschwarz entlang des Schlossbügels und an den X-Symbolen an jedem Ende versehen. Die reflektierenden Streifen blinken im Scheinwerferlicht, damit Sie sicher sind und gesehen werden.


Einzigartige Antirotationsfunktion schützt vor Verdrehangriffen und einzelnen Schnitten

Bewaffnet mit Barronium®

Die mit Barronium® verschmolzene Verbundpanzerung wehrt Angriffe von Winkelschleifern ab und frisst Winkelschleiferscheiben.



Barronium® ist eine verschmolzene Verbundpanzerung, die ohne zusätzliches Gewicht eine beispiellose Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Winkelschleifer bietet. Es ist ein superhartes keramisches Verbundmaterial, das Angriffe von Winkelschleifern abwehrt und die Energie und Kraft des Schleifers in sich selbst umwandelt. Kontinuierliches Schneiden verschleißt die Schleifscheiben, Batterien und letztendlich den Schleifmotor selbst.



LITELOK X3 ist mit einem ABLOY® SENTRY-Schließzylinder ausgestattet; dem diebstahlsichersten Schließmechanismus auf dem Markt.

ABLOY® SENTRY ist eine Weiterentwicklung der einzigartigen ABLOY-Rotationsscheibentechnologie, die in jeder Umgebung eine reibungslose und zuverlässige Funktion gewährleistet.



Halten Sie Ihr LITELOK X in Topform und halten Sie Ihre Tasche oder Packtaschen mit unserer maßgeschneiderten Neoprentasche von Schmutz und Ablagerungen fern. Es handelt sich um einen Neoprenanzug für Ihr LITELOK X3 und ist bei jedem Kauf eines X3 im Lieferumfang enthalten.


X3 Tactical Mount

We've developed the X3 Tactical Mount (purchased separately) to make mounting your LITELOK X3 a breeze. Designed from scratch and tested to destruction, the X3 Tactical Mount is unlike any other mount. A tough mount for the world's toughest lock.

Was ist in der Box?

Wenn Sie ein LITELOK X3 bestellen, erhalten Sie:

  • 2 x ABLOY Sentry-Schlüssel
  • LITELOK X-Beutel
  • Lieferung in umweltfreundlicher Verpackung


Halten Sie Ihr LITELOK X in Topzustand und schützen Sie Ihre Tasche oder Packtaschen mit unserer maßgeschneiderten Neoprentasche vor Schmutz und Ablagerungen.


Alle LITELOK X3s werden mit 2 ABLOY-Schlüsseln geliefert. Für jeden Schlüssel ist der einzigartige Code vorregistriert, damit Sie bei Bedarf Ersatzschlüssel bestellen können.

Umweltfreundliche Verpackung

Alle LITELOK-Produkte werden in umweltfreundlichen, kunststofffreien Verpackungen versendet.


Winkelschleiferfestes Bügelschloss.


Häufig gestellte Fragen



Informieren Sie sich über die wichtigen Statistiken, die LITELOK X3 für Tausende von Fahrradfahrern auf der ganzen Welt zur sichersten Wahl für die Fahrradsicherheit machen.




Sold Secure Pedal Cycle Diamond, Sold Secure Powered Cycle Diamond, ART4


2,1 kg


100 x 195 mm (3,97 x 7,7 Zoll)


145 x 275 mm (5,7 x 10,8 Zoll)


24 x 27,5 mm

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 454 reviews
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98%would recommend these products
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454 reviews
  • B
    Flag of Australia
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike, E-Scooter, Commuter/City Bike, Road Bike, Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, High Security, Made in Britain, Angle Grinder Resistance, Value for Money
    3 days ago
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike, E-Scooter, Commuter/City Bike, Road Bike, Motorcycle
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, High Security, Made in Britain, Angle Grinder Resistance, Value for Money
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Happy Australian Customer

    Lock feels really solid.

    Operates nice and easy.

    Nice quick shipping. Ordered online Tuesday night Perth Australia time and it arrived the same Friday before midday.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • DI
    Diane I.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Made in Britain
    4 days ago
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Made in Britain
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Well worth it

    The lock is not cheap, but a fraction of what it is worth in terms of giving me the best chance of keeping my bike. It works well, easy to put on and take off. The key is easy to spot on a keyring of bike lock keys and I love that they registered it for me, soi I can easily get replacements if needed.

    I haven't found anywhere to put the tactical mount yet, so I just put it my panier when I'm travelling.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • IS
    Irene S.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Commuter/City Bike, Other
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable
    4 days ago
    What do you use the lock on? Commuter/City Bike, Other
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Portable
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Peace of mind

    Happy about the purchase. It gives security and extra peace of mind when I park tricycle in public spaces. Would buy an extra one for additional security.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • DB
    David B.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Mountain Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, Lightweight, High Security
    5 days ago
    What do you use the lock on? Mountain Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, Lightweight, High Security
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Does what it says on the tin

    Ordering and delivery were efficient. The lock appears to do exactly what it claims. I hope I never find out whether it's as attack resistant as claimed!

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • RP
    ROGER P.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Made in Britain, Value for Money
    1 week ago
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Made in Britain, Value for Money
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars


    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • LH
    Lynn H.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Great Quality
    2 weeks ago
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Great Quality
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Solid as an Abrams tank

    UK quality. Unpickable Abloy lock. You need torch to cut this baby. Angle grinder takes too long. It’s heavy but comes with a wet suit material bag so it’s easy to strap down with bungie cords. I purchased (2). Great investment to secure my E-bikes.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • BM
    Bruno M.
    Flag of Portugal
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle, E-Bike, Folding Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, Lightweight, Portable
    2 weeks ago
    What do you use the lock on? Motorcycle, E-Bike, Folding Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, Lightweight, Portable
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    A brilliant solution for bike security

    First of all, let me be clear: if someone is determined to steal your bike or motorcycle and has enough time, nothing in the world is going to foil them. But this is as close as it gets. The angle grinder resistance must be seen to be believed, it's truly a game changer. Finally there's some peace of mind when I leave my motorcycle or my e-bike on the street.

    It's expensive, but you get a lot for your money. It's lightwheight and easy enough to carry on a backpack, and it's very easy to use. The extra keys are very convenient as well. The one downside is that it's a very solid U-shape, which means you have very little room to spare when you're securing the lock to poles or other anchor points.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • DL
    Daniel L.
    Flag of Australia
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality
    3 weeks ago
    What do you use the lock on? E-Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Peace of mind

    The quality of the Litelok X3 gives me the confidence to lock and leave my e-bike. Having had a bike stolen in the past with a cheaper lock, I’d be hesitant otherwise.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • CM
    Chris m.
    Flag of United Kingdom
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Commuter/City Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Made in Britain
    3 weeks ago
    What do you use the lock on? Commuter/City Bike
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Made in Britain
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    I never care to post reviews on things but I was keen todo so on this lock.

    Id honestly describe this as a battleship of a lock, a HMS dreadnought of a lock in fact.

    It's around 2kg, but it carried some serious security and peace of mind.

    Is it a lot of money? Yes it is, but my feelings are im protecting a investment, preventing the frustration and annoyance of having my bike stolen and having to go out and spend more money replacing it + replacing the cheaper lock.

    One bit of advice, your bike is only as safe as its weakest point, so don't lock it to a thin railing, lock it to a lampost or something that would be really annoying to cut through as they may just cut the bike stand and leave with the lock still attached.

    My feelings are, if your bike is locked to a tall post, then in real world conditions, the bike will be near impossible to steal.

    Only downside is i ordered in the new year so it took a while to arrive. + I have like a £90 bike with a 250 pound lock so I always have to find a way to justify such an imbalance.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • PS
    Peter S.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    What do you use the lock on? Mountain Bike, Road Bike, Other
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Value for Money, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Lightweight
    3 weeks ago
    What do you use the lock on? Mountain Bike, Road Bike, Other
    What do you like about this lock? Great Quality, Value for Money, Angle Grinder Resistance, High Security, Lightweight
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Great lock

    Love the lock. Happy to have something so secure and is not light but also not as heavy as I thought it would be. Happy to have more peace of mind when locking up my bikes in the city.

    Product QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
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